Žrtve širenja otrovne tvari nepoznatog podrijetla u gradu Mariupolju su u relativno zadovoljavajućem stanju, izvijestili su jutros iz pukovnije AZOV. Kontakt civila s tvari bio je minimalan, jer je epicentar lezije bio na određenoj udaljenosti od mjesta gdje su se nalazili ljudi, doznaje se iz istog izvora.
🇬🇧The victims of the spread of a poisonous substance of unknown origin in the city of Mariupol are in a relatively satisfactory condition. Contact of the civilians with the substance was minimal, for the lesion epicenter was at a certain distance from the location of the people👇🏼 pic.twitter.com/6PbJWN7bWI
— АЗОВ (@Polk_Azov) April 12, 2022
👆🏼The military were a little bit closer. However, it is currently impossible to fully investigate the scene due to the enemy fire, because the Russians continue using the tactics of concealing their own crimes.
In the video, one can see a military in a moderate condition.👇🏼 pic.twitter.com/dLdYHcSX86
— АЗОВ (@Polk_Azov) April 12, 2022
Podsjetimo, pukovnija Azov izvijestila je sinoć da su ruske trupe upotrijebile otrovnu tvar nepoznatog porijekla protiv ukrajinske vojske i civila u Mariupolu.
Žrtve su patile od respiratornog zatajenja i sindroma okulovestibularnih napada.